Over the last couple years I've learned that most people reading this blog do so either via email, through a blog aggregator or from an RSS feeder. Ha! I read that sentence and it almost sounds like I know what I'm saying! The point is that likely few people actually go to my little Blogger site. If you do however, you'll likely notice some changes... The main header of the page went from this:To this:
Now, if you know me at all, and I realize most of you don't, you know that I make changes like this for a's definitely not arbitrary. The fact is, the change in the look of the blog is a portent of things
Also, the primary purpose of the blog is so that we here at 173 can keep track of when things were done, what was used, etc, etc, etc, ad infinitum. That being said - here's a couple very minor projects done the last few days.
The other day I was walking out of the house and noticed this:
How did I just notice it? I dunno, probably noticed it before but put it in the back of my mental list of things to do. But notice it I did. And it occurred to me that my neighbor had one of these:
I love it when neighbors are willing to lend a hand and/or a tool, and in this case, a pressure washer was just what the doctor ordered (and the neighbor had). And fifteen minutes later...MUCH better!
Then today, while waiting for the Green Bay game, I fabricated a little cover for over the doorbell. Hey! Quit laughing! Rain could get in there and mess up the circuit board or mother board or whatever that little computer thing in there is called!
So there you have it. Oh, before I go, one last pic I wanted to share...
Look at the size of that thing!