Diving into the Laundry Room

This Was a Mess

On to the laundry room.  I've had mixed feelings about this for, well to be honest - since the day we bought 173.  It's complicated, cement, electrical, plumbing, carpentry etc etc... This room's going to take just about every (near) skill I have.  I have no delusions...this is a basement laundry, it'll never have that ultra-finished look to it, but we're looking forward to it looking better than this:

See that lone, hanging light bulb?  Besides the window, that's the only light in the room.  And here's a shot the other way:

Not much better huh?  So this weekend I dove in.  Part of the problem was deciding what order to do things in.  Well, nothing could get done until the appliances were out of the way.  For that, and for the first time ever, 173 has a hand truck, I suppose that was going to happen eventually, I'm just not getting any younger. Moving the washer and dryer revealed a shocking mess!

Look at this will ya??!!

Enough of that...the loose concrete had to come off, and I removed some of the old plumbing.

The spot under the window was alarming!  I kept tapping and more concrete just kept falling out.  I was beginning to worry I was going to see snow!  But it did eventually stop, check it out:

Anyway, moving on...here it is all cleaned up.  You can actually start to see the nice tile we laid back in '99.

Then up went the cement:

After the cement went up, the next step was to finish the wall, in a sense.  See that arrow?  That points at a 4" gap from the top of the wall to the joists above.  

I think the gap was left because all manner of electrical wires run through there.  It looked like hell.  

Besides that, I have a plan for the ceiling, so I had to figure a way to fill or cover that gap. I decided to cover it.

Hey!  There's the new hand truck, my new best buddy!  So, that's how the weekend ended...pretty satisfied with the progress up to this point!
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