The Dining Room Built-In: So Close to Done I Can Taste It!


I really hoped this post would be the grand reveal, the final post in what seems an endless stream about one single project.  That just didn't pan out.  Yesterday, the paint on the bookcases had cured enough that I felt comfortable putting books and stuff on them.  The plan was to do that, then finish the baseboards.  But...once again my body reminded me I'm not as young as I once was.  Carrying big boxes of books (there's a lesson there - when packing books, use small boxes!), my back gave out - remnants of an old injury.  Nonetheless, some work got done, and here's a couple pictures!

That's Gramma's clock on the mantel - one of my cherished possessions!

So that's it for now.  With any luck, this project will be in the bag by the end of the week!  That means maybe two last posts to come.  I've done post each step of the way, so that means there'll probably be one about the baseboards, and then - finally - the grand reveal post!  Hang in there friends!

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