812 - The Home!: A Bit of History

One of the fun things about house blogging is digging into the history of a place.  I think mom and dad know some of the history of 812 prior to 1971, as a matter-of-fact, I believe mom lived in this house as a renter at one point - even before meeting dad.  That's an interesting thought in itself!  Of course, in the long history of 812, mom and dad have a significant part, not only in all the work that's been done, but by the sheer fact that they have had 812 for nearly 47 years!

Turns out, 812 has a looong history!  Let me show you... So, this map is interesting.  It's from 1860, and doesn't show Lincoln street, which means one of two things - either streets were added and renamed, or the cartographers were wrong!  But another interesting thing in this map is the park I played in all the time as a child.  You can see it in the northwest corner of the map, and it's called Hoffman's Grove.  I wonder when and why they dropped Hoffman, because at least since I was a kid it's been called Grove Park.

Courtesy www.joycetice.com
 The next thing I found was in a directory from 1874.  In this directory, people were listed as living at the corner of this street and that street, or this street above or below that cross-street.  In 1874, Herman Davis was a switchman for the railroad.

When I was searching the directories, it seems most people on our block worked for the railroad.  By the 1882 directory, Herman Davis was a train conductor.  After that, there was a gap in directories, but by 1917...

Sadly, Charles had passed away and his widow Ellen, and (presumably) son Charles, were living at 812 and 812 1/2 respectively.  Interestingly, Charles worked for the railroad too.

Then, we see that in March 28, 1935, edition of the Star-Gazette, Charles Davis was given a permit to make some changes to 812...

Then here's a fun note...I couldn't figure out the date, but it appears someone was running a fudge business out of 812:

Let me zoom in a little for you!

And that's the next family at 812, the best I can tell.  As a matter-of-fact, in 1947, looks like the wash machine was for sale!

Then...about 25 years later...mom and dad got good ol' 812.  And that's a story you'll hear lots more about!  I'll have to find out who the Pierce's were, and who my folks bought the house from.  I know bits and pieces of that story...I'll try to pull that all together too!
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