Last Post on the Kitchen Trim (probably)

Cutting the Bottom of the Door - Scary

Ninety-nine percent sure this will be my last post on the kitchen floor trim.  I'm still working on the details, so I thought I'd throw in a little progress post here.  One of the things I put off for a couple days was the door that goes to the basement.  The LifeProof vinyl planks I put in are almost 7 mm thick so the bottom of the door had to be trimmed.  In this picture you can see that the bottom hung just below the level of the planks.  At this point I still had one small piece of flooring to install, and it was time to do it.

AAAh! I just noticed - ignore the dog hairs on the floor - Linus is everywhere!  Moving on - I put painter's tape on the door for two reasons: to protect the door from even more scratches when I ran the saw across it, and to give some contrast to the pencil line.

And let me take a minute to point out that's called a Simple Scribe, and it's aptly named!  I've used it a couple times and it's well worth the $10 or so that I paid for it.  I've never been good at using a compass, and this little tool just took all the guesswork out of scribing an accurate line for trimming!  Anyway, here's a wider shot of the door:

The funny thing was, I really over-thought and over-stress about trimming this door.  I mean, it's a solid wood door and I was only taking a quarter inch off the bottom, but I put myself through two YouTube videos to make sure I was doing it right.  Crazy - sometimes I lose a bit of confidence.

A great part of courage is the courage of having done the thing before. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

In half an hour's time the door was trimmed, the bottom re-stained and the door re-hung.

I was even able to re-use the stair-edge protector that's probably been there at lease 30 years!

Finally, a little picture of me ripping a small piece of trim.

I only include that here to remind me of the funky and sometimes wonky trim needed for this project.  Hopefully when all is said and done, the trim will just melt into the scenery!
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