I thought it would be fun to look at some pictures of 173 taken over the years, but do it retro-style! There's really no other point to it, than simple art. 173 in 2018 -
And here's the original owner, Mr. Mosher in what looks to be the 1930s or so:
Mr. and Mrs. Mosher, year (let alone decade) unknown...
No idea who, or when...
And some recent outdoor shots, in no particular order, starting with Cyd:
And the vegetable garden a number of years ago when we tried to wattle it. Linus broke through in no time!
The back yard.
Side yard, ar least 2015 I suppose. The oriel hadn't been redone yet.
The shed, looking good in black and white, better than in real life actually. Two years in a row now I intended to work on the shed - two years in a row I didn't get to it...
I love winter!
Back when I had hair and my goatee didn't blend with the snow!
And every winter I worry about the carport!
Which takes us to Christmas...
This next picture really looks old-timey!
The Christmas tree a couple years ago...
Out on the front porch...
Looking out the living room:
Speaking of the living room (and there's Linus!)...
Then into the kitchen, I suppose this is the wolpertinger wall!
Which then takes us to the dining room. This is the "art" corner...
And Linus in his favorite spot in the dining room:
The fireplace in the dining room...
The microscope I got for Christmas when I was 10 or 11 years old...
An old-school lamp on the mantel
And finally, Old Glory even looks great in black and white!