Dirty Little Secrets at 173

 Doesn't this look like a beautiful ocean storm scene?  The clouds, the white-capped waves - stunning!

Ah, but don't be deceived.  This is actually a cropped photo of a dirty little secret here at 173...

That's right - the kitchen windows here at 173 have been a dirty little secret for years!  The louvred windows were probably pretty cool way back when, but the fact is, this particular set hasn't been opened since probably around 1998.  Yup, 1998.  The problem was the lever that opened them had broken long before we bought the house, and in the beginning we could push them open and pull them closed. But it came to the point that they couldn't be closed tight enough to keep the air out in the winter, so they were pulled as tight as possible and weather stripping, lots of weather stripping was used to try to keep as much arctic air out as possible.  However, that was pretty much in vain, to the point that when dinner was on the table in the winter, whatever was closest to the window got cold mighty fast!  Hand to God - true!  And for years I would take pictures strategically in an attempt to hide this embarrassment!

That was probably '98 or '99, always long shots, windows covered as much as possible, etc.  Oh, and there's a set over the kitchen sink too!

The problem was I could figure out how to remove those old windows without destroying stuff,  Every so often I would study it out and think - in a couple more years I will have gained more knowledge and skill and then I'll do those windows.  Ha!  I had a serious case of avoidance!  

But then last fall I ran into a neighbor who said he could help.  Of course there were hangups,  He had to have surgery, so we missed the fall window, and I wasn't going to take windows out in the winter!  Then there was a delay at the factory in having the windows fabricated.  I was worried it wasn't going to happen.  Then it did...

The old windows came out pretty quick, and the new ones went in even quicker!!

WIth the back window I pulled out the trim and the sill...

So I made a new sill, here's the specs for future reference (who knows when I might need to do another one!)...

Here's where we are now.  I have another project in store, so hopefully in a few week this will look altogether different!  And no, the window isn't crooked, the photographer is!

The side window didn't need as much though...

And installed - just a little more trim work to do...

Here's a couple interior shots...over the sink:

And the breakfast nook:

And this is the last shot, the breakfast nook again.

I don't have another of the window over the sink, but I'm sure it'll show up - no more dirty little secrets to hide!!
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