Made at 173: 45-Degree Marking Tool

Still Laid Up

Trying not to drone on about my back, but it's still out so there's still no big projects here at 173.  The good thing is - 173 has always been a work in progress, so there's really no finish line to be in a hurry to get to!  

In the meantime, I've been puttering in the workshop making little hand tools that someday will make work just a little easier at times!  In the last post I showed the wide center line scribe, which you can see in this picture...

For this next tool, I used that scribe to mark the centerline of a piece of stock, then used the compass to mark out an arc:

Then, using the center mark made by the compass, using the combination square, I marked out two 45 degree lines...

All of which began to look like some kind of new-age peace sign...

Next, I wanted to drill a nice straight hole at the compass point, so I used one of the vises made right here at 173...

Funny, I'm not really sure of the point of this hole, but it's what this guy over at Scrap Wood Challenge did, so I'm following the instructions!

Moving on, I cut an 8" length of wood for the leg of the tool, and it was important that the width of the leg be exactly half the width of the rounded piece.  That's what made it nice about having the center line scribe.  Once aligned, the two parts were glued together...

 After some shaping, the tool looked like this on one side...

And a little different on the other...

By now you must be wondering what this thing does!  Well, here's a picture from the internet of a tool that does the same thing...I think the picture will explain better than I can...

And here's my version...

Just a fun little project while my back shows its age!!

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