Yardsticks and Door Frames

An Oddity Here

There's any number of oddities here at 173, and it's my guess that the same is the case with most old houses. Maybe, while there are still no large projects happening here due to the pandemic, I'll start a small series about some of the oddities. One of these oddities is, well, yardsticks atop door frames, as in the one on the header of the door going into the kitchen...

The Discovery

I don't remember the exact moment of discovering yardsticks over the doors, but it must have been early on. The week before closing we started tearing out carpeting and wallpaper, and started painting. Mosher's uncle, the executor of the estate, was pissed, and looking back I can't blame him! But, it was likely at this time the yardsticks were found! Here's the one in the living room...


It's not a bad idea really

I can't count the times having a yardstick nearby was super convenient! everything from measuring a Christmas tree to making rough estimates for project supplies.

Keeping the tradition alive

I don't know if this qualifies as a tradition, but it's such a fun oddity, I've given thought to picking up a couple more yardsticks to put over even more doors! You know - leave them for the next generation to find, giving them another reason to love 173!

Thanks for reading and be safe out there,

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